`SARAS fair a market for handloom and handicraft finished products`


IMPHAL, October 13: The SARAS Fair aims to provide a platform or a market for the handicraft and handloom craftsmen to deal directly with the customer without a middleman, said Imphal West deputy commissioner K Radhakumar during the inaugural of the SARAS fair at the DM College of Arts today.

The fair which will conclude on October 24 is being organised by the Manipur State Rural Livelihood Mission.

In our State, most Self Help Groups producing handloom and handicraft products are run by women, he observed before appealing to the artisans and SHGs participating in the fair to be imaginative and creative with their products so that they may create a name for themselves.

Attending the inaugural as the chief guest, principal secretary (RD and PR) JC Ramthanga said the fair will provide a market and a place for the SHGs to exhibit and sell their finished products.

Manipur leads other North Eastern States in successfully organizing such fairs, he continued.

He said participants from other States will be opening stalls soon, and added it would be good if such fairs are organised jointly with other States.

He appealed to the people opening stalls and the visitors to maintain decorum and discipline while at the venue as the venue is located inside a college and exams are underway.

Altogether 200 stalls are set-up with participants from all nine districts of the State and from the three States of Assam, Uttarkhand and Maharashtra.

Stalls are seen showcasing handloom and handicraft items for women, children and men. Decoration items are also seen in the stalls.

Today`™s opening ceremony was also attended by DM College of Arts principal Dr A Nungshitombi Devi as the special guest and joint secretary RD and PR Neeta Arambam with BDO, Imphal East Kh Chaoba Singh as the functional guests of honor.


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