Langjing residents want ring road land acquisition burden shared


IMPHAL, November 12: The JAC which was formed against the Construction of Langjing Iroisemba CRPF Road will obstruct the construction of ring road which bypasses Langjing Iroisemba Road.

Executive member of the JAC, Thoudam Bocha told a press conference at Langjing Iroisemba that the step taken up by the state government for the construction of a ring road is welcome, however it is condemnable that the government took a decision to widen the existing road to 30 meters all along thereby threatening to displace many homesteads.

This is especially so because the road widening would be only on one side, so as not to touch land belonging to the CRPF.

The proposed ring road is to begin from Maharaja Gambhir Singh Statue, Langthabel and pass through Langthabel, Takyelkolom Leikai, Langjing, CRPF road, Iroisemba, Iroisemba Zoo, Game village, Langol, Shija Hospital, Fishery Crossing, Civil Secretariat, Mantripukhri, Khabem Leikhai, Paonem Leikai, Chaithabi Leirak, JNIMS road, Ayangpalli road, Kongba bazaar and end at Maharaja Gambhir Singh Statue.

Bocha appealed to the government to look into the matter in the interest of the people and widen the road 15 meter either side of the road, so that the CRPF side of the road gives up 15 meters too so that only the remaining 15 meters is taken from the residential land on the other side of the road.

Bocha mentioned that about two or three days back some government authorities visited the area to survey the land to be acquired and they stated that this survey was not the final when the locals confronted them. In spite of their statement the locals fear they would end up losing their land.

In this regard the locals have also urged the local MLA to pursue the matter. They also promised him they would allow no disturbances to happen if he does so, but till date no initiative is seen to ameliorate their apprehensions he said.

He stated that if the government didn’t listen to their appeal and try to do forcibly acquire their land, they would not be silent spectators and it is quite likely unavoidable circumstances will occur.


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