AMCTA charges government of sabotaging its movement


IMPHAL, December 13: The All Manipur College Teachers`™ Association, AMCTA, has charged the State government of trying to sabotage their ongoing agitation through its `agents`™.

According to a release, the agitation is not meant to serve the personal interest of the teachers, but it is an attempt to save higher education of the State from further degeneration.

It said the agitation will continue until the association`™s demands are fulfilled, and as further course of agitation it will boycott the practical exams as well as paper evaluation works.

The release further charged that the government in cohorts with some agent called FEGOCTA, has issued a false media statement stating that an agreement had been reached, which is unfortunate.

It said FEGOCTA as a teachers`™ body is not recognise by AMCTA, of which the government had already been informed so many times earlier.

It alleged that FEGOCTA as a body has no unit college under it, and it is formed by vested interest groups. Colleges which are affiliated to AMCTA have nothing to do with FEGOCTA, it added.

Further the release also recalled that FEGOCTA had misguided some teachers during a seminar organised on March 10, 2014 on API (Academic Performance Indicator), held under the sponsorship of Department of Higher Education, government of Manipur.

But on the contrary, the seminar was not actually sponsored by the said department, and `fake`™ certificates were distributed to the participants, it added.

It said AMCTA is ready to face any force that challenges the unity of teachers and it will carry forward its movement towards justice.

The semester examination boycott of BA/BSc has been going on successfully in all AMCTA affiliated colleges both in the hills and plain, which is a sign of unity, the release maintained.

The so called interim arrangement at three colleges namely Lilong Haoreibi College, Manipur College and Oriental College after the controversial appointment of regular Principals as notified by the government through its department concerned has many ambiguities, it said.

It specifically mentioned that following the interim arrangement, normal functioning of administrative works in the said colleges have been affected.

The statement further reiterated its demand for the transfer of the incumbent Commissioner of Higher Education in order to save the future of higher education, and cautioned the teachers to stay on guard from agents who are trying to dilute the issue.


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