MPP alleges M Okendro of misusing Central schemes


IMPHAL, December 15: The Manipur People`™s Party has charged M Okendro, minister of CAF & PD, Government of Manipur, of being partisan in distribution of PDS items at Ukhongshang Village of Heirok A/C.

Speaking to the media this evening at the MPP office near Polo ground Imphal, president of the party, N Sovakiran alleged that M Okendro has deprived the rights of the people of Ukhongshang by issuing PDS items only to those villagers who are enrolled in the electoral list. This was learnt following complaints from the villagers, he said.

He said there is no rule in PDS scheme which says welfare measures should be made available only to those in the electoral list. Those who are not enrolled in the electoral list are virtually dying of hunger, he said.

He further charged that the schemes like AAY, BPL, Annapurna scheme, IAY etc which provide essential commodities to people living below poverty line have been misused by the local political leaders of the said village.

He maintained that as per scheme guidelines, the AAY, BPL card holders are entitled to get 35 kg of rice per month at Rs 50. On the other hand, M Okendro has been distributing 5 kg of rice per month at Rs 8, which is in violation of the rules of the scheme, he added.

Sovakiran also alleged that the minister has been taking political mileage regarding the housing schemes under Indira Awaj Yojana, IYA scheme. Under the said scheme, people without proper houses are entitled to get benefit of Rs 70,000, he said. But the minister after collecting the sanctioned funds of the scheme, has been giving away Rs 5,000 along with a few roofing materials to the beneficiaries, he said.

The minister has been trying to give an impression to the villagers that he is giving away the money from his own pocket, charged Sovakiran. He further lamented that the MNREG scheme has also been misused by the elected leaders since its introduction in the State. The 100 day job guarantee to Job Card holders is never followed properly in the State, he added.

Sovakiran also alleged that the elected leaders of the State have been misusing all kinds of centrally sponsored schemes as their personal contract works.


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