Commerce and Industries minister asks State security personnel to be more polite


IMPHAL, January 8: Human rights violation will stopped if people respect one another because human rights violation occurred as a result of people not respecting one another, stated Commerce and Industries minister Govindas Konthoujam in his speech as the chief guest speech at the inaugural of the three-days training program on Human Rights at the Centre for Human Rights and Duties Education, Manipur University today.

He said humans are the most intelligent mammals but now we have become less so like other mammals.

In 2010, there were 425 human rights violation cases against police personals but in 2012 the cases decreased to 205 because police personals were becoming better behaved, polite and more aware about their duties, the Commerce and Industries minister said.

Stressing the importance of being well aware of their duties and about human rights, he said: `If we know our duties and rights, it will help reduce human right violations but human rights violations are increasing along with the development in our civilization.`

Human rights violations occur especially in those places where there is a lack of education and technology, he observed. He told the gathering that he was glad to know that the Centre for Human Rights and Duties Education department of MU was spreading awareness about human rights in remote areas because it`™s important for the people in the remote areas to know their rights and duties. They will now come forward and share their problems which they were hiding for several years, he added.

The three-days training program will surely help the participants in becoming more aware about the subject from the lectures of the subject specialists and by exchanging ideas during the interactive sessions, he said, exhorting all the participant to make the most out of this opportunity to know more about the subject.

The Commerce and Industries minister said that security personnel should be well behaved, polite and must respect civilians while performing their duties.

In the inaugural, editor of Freedom newspaper, RK Ranendrajit, Centre of Manipur Studies director Professor N Joykumar Singh, Dean of Students Welfare Professor RK Hemantakumar Singh were in attendance as the guests of honours.

As a part of the training session, JNIMS director Professor M Shyamo Singh gave an important lecture on `Important Government Schemes related to Health Care`™.


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