Inhuman distance


By RK Lakhi Kant

The culprits in a collective crime,
the people, choose to walk a bit
away from beleaguered beggars,
mad men in rags, or poor men
in need. This is big irresponsibility;
why can`t the people who come by
such unfortunate men offer them
something – food, clothes, a small
employment, or some
money to buy themselves
the next meal.
It is only because of an
irresponsible citizenry
that men suffer in acute hardship.
The morally corrupt government
regulates income tax
and other sources of revenue,
but what for – nothing is done
even for those pushed to begging.
First we put them in the spot
they are in and next
we treat them as untouchables.
One man`s suffering is
reason enough to
implicate the rulers.
But this wisdom is now found
neither in the men
nor their government.


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