Sadar Hills Kuki bodies endorse JAC economic blockade


KANGPOKPI, Feb.16: The Kuki civil society organizations in Sadar Hills today conveyed its endorsement to the JAC formed in connection with the Kadangband killing in its proposed economic blockade in all National Highways leading to the state capital from midnight of February 17.

N Sehjalien Gangte, general secretary (Thuchingpipu) Kuki Inpi Sadar Hills said the Kuki civil bodies within Sadar Hills including Kuki Inpi Sadar Hills, Kuki Women Union Sadar Hills and Kuki Students`™ Organization Sadar Hills have jointly decided to endorsed the proposed economic blockade by the JAC against the alleged brutal killing of Khupneilal Neihsiel and Robert Hesei Kipgen at Kadangband by 8 Assam Rifles on January 28.

Mentioned may be made that the JAC had yesterday announced its decision to impose economic blockade in all national highways in the state for complete five days in resentment over the state Government`™s failure to table the magisterial inquiry report in 15 days time.

While appealing to all the state and inter-state transporters of economic goods and also to private vehicles to respect the blockade and abstain from any act of defiance that would magnify the prevailing tension N. Sehjalien Gangte also solicit the cooperation and support of all communities within Sadar Hills stating that the protest is the firm resolution of the JAC to halt the repeated human rights violation by the Assam Rifles of which every person in the state irrespective of tribe and community is a victim in one way or the other.

He further said that the Kuki civil bodies will continue to endorse any kind of remonstration by the JAC in future until justice is delivered.

In connection with its proposed economic blockade the Joint Action Committee had yesterday bolstered the students of peace of mind and conveyed its supported and cooperation before making clear that it had contemplate a state wide general strike and remonstration but in view of the ongoing HSLC and HSE Examinations it decided to resort to economic blockade so as to ensure smooth conduct of the examination for its concern of the student community.

The JAC had also assured non-disruption both in transportation and examination centres during the economic blockade.

The JAC and Kuki civil bodies had demanded the state Government to furnish the magisterial inquiry report in the alleged Kadangband fake encounter in which Khupneilal Neihsiel, who was said to be the Vice President of Kuki Inpi Twibul Lhang (Kangchup Area) and Robert Hesei Kipgen, Central Administrative Officer (CAO) of KNF, a SoO signatory were shot to dead and three others fatally injured within 15 days but the Government has deliver the report within the stipulated time given by the JAC.


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