KNLF alleges political plot of BJP behind camp relocation


IMPHAL, May 19: The KNLF has alleged that the BJP in collusion with another armed group, the UKLF has shifted the KNLF camp to gain political advantages in the Khengjoi area.

Speaking to IFP, Commanding Officer of the Semon camp Laldenga said that two candidate are contesting for the upcoming ADC elections under the BJP banner. The two candidates are Thongkhuthang of Torbung segment and Seithang Haokip of Songlang segment. It comes under Khengjoi sub-division of 41 Chandel assembly constituency.

He said that the two candidates are supported by the UKLF and even openly announced their support during a public campaign held recently. The candidates even have started spreading word that they have won under the patron of the mentioned outfit. But, their political objectives were hindered as the KNLF who has a strong presence in the area believes in free and fair elections. With that assurance, candidates representing the Congress party and as independent had filed nominations.

But, the BJP had colluded with the 6th Dogra Regiment and the UKLF to drive away the KNLF from the area, so that the BJP candidates would be `selected`™ and not elected, Laldenga alleged. This was perpetrated also with the help of CO of the said regiment namely one Sandeep Madan, who forcibly relocated the KNLF from Semon area on May 12 last.

Laldenga said that the real motive of their forced relocation is mostly for the political benefits and charged the state BJP of conducting pressure politics.


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