Families of missing hunters seek administrative help to find them


IMPHAL, June 8: Families of the four hunters of Tonsen Khullen in Chandel district who have failed to return after they went hunting and fishing near Moltuk area on June 3 have submitted a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner, Chandel to extend administrative support in finding the missing persons.

Following the meeting, the Deputy Commissioner immediately wrote to the Army commander for allowing search parties to look for them.

The family members also sought an appointment to meet the IG of 26 Sector Assam Rifles. However, a Major met the aggrieve party on behalf of the IG to receive the memorandum and informed them that a body found yesterday from the ambush site is not that of any of the missing persons.

Meanwhile, a wife of one of the hunters fainted during the meeting with the DC and had to be taken to the Chandel District Hospital where she is presently undergoing treatment.

The four hunters are K Rajamani Kom, 55, son of (L) Thonglen Kom, Y Mandana Kom, 39, son of Y Ibochou Kom, Yumnam Koireng, 30, son of Y Ibochou and Sr Koko Kom, 29, son of Sr Sanahongba Kom.

Our Kangpokpi Correspondent adds: The Komrem Union Manipur (North East India) today avidly pleaded with the security forces engaged in the extensive operation against the militants after the Paraolon (Chandel) ambush not to harm the four hunters from Tonsen Khullen if they happen to come upon them.

Lalkhomang Serto, President KRUM (NEI) in a press statement said it is our humble appeal to the security personnel involving in the extensive operation not to harm the four hunters if they happen to encounter them and hand over them to their families at the earliest so as to relief their families from their worries plead the union president.

Strongly condemning the ambush in which 18 army personnel were killed and others were severely injured, the union deeply condoles on the death of the soldiers who sacrificed their precious life for maintaining peace, law and order in Manipur while sharing the grief and pain of the deceased families.

`Violence brings no solution`, said the KRUM (NEI) supremo while appealing both security personnel and insurgents to respect the right to life of every human being in their conducts.


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