NECEER, Imphal
World Environment Day was celebrated at Langthabal Nambul Mapal Jr High School by North East Centre for Environmental and Research (NECEER), Imphal with the theme entitled “Connect to yours roots and Save Rivers”. An environmental awareness programme along with painting competition was organized at the school to spread the message to save rivers. All the students of the school were participated at the event. Strong team of twelve volunteers gave an interactive awareness to the students regarding the environment pollution and its remedies. Teachers of the school enthusiastically supported the programme for giving awareness and encouragement to the students for saving our environment in action and with good intention. The brand ambassador of NECEER, Imphal, Manipuri Film Actress, Tonthoi Leishangthem lead the programme. She appeal to the students and teachers to connect to our ancestral lifelines, the “rivers” and conserve them for our future generations. Ms. Khrideshori Rajkumari and Mr. Atom Rajiv were the co-ordinators of the event. The programme was successfully conducted with the prize distribution to the winners.