NPF stakes claim to form Ukhrul District Council


IMPHAL, June 19: The Naga People`™s Party with an absolute majority of 17 elected district council members has stake claim to form the Ukhrul Ditrict Council today.

The 17 NPF members are joined by an Independent candidate.

According to a press release of the party, the MDC members met the deputy commissioner, Ukhrul today requesting an oath taking ceremony of the elected members.

During a meeting on June 17, the elected members chose Dr Yaronsho Ngalung, elected from 15-Tongou DCC to lead the council, while advocate KS Thanmi elected from 22-Loutei Riha was selected as his deputy, it said.

The statement said the 17 newly elected NPF ADC members along with party leaders escorted the chairman designate to the Deputy Commissioner`™s Office to submit the stake claim letter.

The DC extended a warm welcome to Dr.Yaronsho and his team and had a friendly discussion on burning issues concerning the district, it said.

In the letter submitted to the Deputy Commissioner of Ukhrul, Dr. Yaronsho had made specific mention requesting to administer an oath taking to all newly elected MDC members at Ukhrul district HQs as soon as possible added the press release.


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