AMUCO rebukes Centre for leaving State out of the loop on accord signing


Imphal, August 7: The All Manipur United Club Organisation has today welcomed the signing of the Peace Accord between the Government of India and the NSCN (IM) after 18 years of talks but at the same time censured the Centre for keeping neighbouring States unaware of the proceedings.

Speaking to media persons at their Kwakeithel office this afternoon, president of the organisation, Mani Khuman said according to the government of India interlocutor for the peace talk, RN Ravi the accord is just a framework agreement of the pact which will be finalised within three months.

Khuman said how could the government sign such a significant accord without consulting any of the governments of the neighbouring North Eastern States and their people.

He said the Centre`™s act lacks transparency and it is an act of incompetent authoritarian dictator.

AMUCO, he said will continue to act to safeguard the interest of the people and territorial integrity of the State as always.

The Centre cannot belittle a State like Manipur which had its own Constitution and which was a sovereign State with its own international boundary status, he asserted.

Delhi should be mindful of such historical rights and importance of the place and stop trying to segregate the land and its people into pieces, he continued.

The president said that AMUCO also condemns Union Minister of State Home Affairs Kiran Rajiju and BJP Manipur president Th Chaoba Singh for trying to mislead the people by giving assurances that the accord will not hurt the peoples`™ interest and sentiment of the region.

He added that every kind of autonomy will be accepted but bypassing the State administration will not be acceptable.

He further demanded the State governemnt and its council of minister to determine the contents of the accord.

The organisation further demands the details of the peace accord to be made public failing which, AMUCO along with the public would be compelled to trigger a movement.


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