BJP Manipur seeks `no disturbances to State` assurance from Central leaders


IMPHAL, August7: National leaders including the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the BJP national president have all assured that the NSCN (IM) peace accord will not disturb the existing geographical and political boundary of Manipur and the administrative set-up of Manipur, informed a party source.

Sources said the assurance was given to a nine-member team of the State BJP unit led by its president Th Chaoba.

The BJP Manipur team had submitted a memorandum to the Central leaders on the issue surrounding the signing of the accord on August 3.

The team met the party Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, national president Amit Shah, national general secretary Ram Madhop, senior officials of the Home Ministry

According to the party insiders, the team also held a one and half hour long meeting with government interlocutor of the NSCN (IM) peace talk RN Ravi inside his office chamber at Sansad Marg, New Delhi during which the memorandum was submitted.

The State BJP leaders have been assured by the national leaders that the accord with the NSCN (IM) will not affect the geographical and political boundaries as well as the administrative set up of the State, according to the sources.

Meanwhile, the national leaders have appealed to the people of the region to remain calm, the sources said.

It is also learnt that the memorandum submitted by the party leaders includes demands for consideration by the Government of India while working out the details of the agreement.

The BJP Manipur unit has also demanded for the government to divulge the details of the framework agreement with the government of Manipur and the people of the State.

It has also demanded that the territorial integrity of Manipur, political and administrative boundaries should not be a affected or disturb as it has been categorically assured several time by the government of India and any special package of administration and development proposed during the working out of details, if any should be designed in such a way that the special provision are to be implemented under the respective state government only; any special provision provided under Article 371(A) of the Indian Constitution should not create cross border administrative platform as any such mechanism is likely to create a number of conflicts and confusions in the state administrations.

Under provision of Article 371 (C) of the Indian constitution there is already a Hill Area Committee at the State-level and district councils at the district level in Manipur in the Hill Areas Inhabited mainly by the Nagas and the Kuki-Chin communities, the State BJP memorandum said.


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