IGSSS Manipur begins emergency relief work in flood affected areas of Manipur


IMPHAL, August 23: Many lives have been already lost in the Manipur in what is the worst flood in 200 years it has experienced due to incessant rainfall. Floods have claimed nine lives and more died in landslides, a release of the Indo-Global Social Service Society, IGSSS, said.

The deluge wreaks havoc, washing away connecting bridges, embankment breach cutting off many villages from the mainland.

The magnitude of devastation on human life and properties and infrastructure is enormous and rebuilding will take time when the support of humanitarian agencies will be very much needed, it said.

The IGSSS conducted an assessment and based on the findings has planned to respond to the affection population in three districts of Manipur- Chandel, Bishnupur and Chandel, it said.

The release said the IGSSS was established in 1960 is a non-profit organization working with the mandate for a humane social order based on truth, justice, freedom and equity.

Having its presence across 25 states and one Union Territory of India, IGSSS works for development, capacity building and enlightenment of the vulnerable communities across the country for their effective participation in development, it said.

IGSSS with support from Misereor Germany and Christian Aid International Development will respond to the flood and landslide victims of Churachandpur, Bishnupur and Chandel District, Manipur, in a phase manner from providing relief materials to meet their basic and immediate needs to building a disaster resilient community, it added.

On August 22, IGSSS has started the first phase cash distribution of Rs.1,000 each per household as unconditional cash transfer to meet the immediate needs to 28 villages from Churachandpur Sangaikot block.

In all 240 households from Bishnupur Moirang block and 23 households from Khengjoy Chandel Block with a total population of approximately 8800 people benefitted so far.

The second phase distribution will comprise of Non Food Items such as tarpaulin and rope, double bed sheet, blankets; WASH and Dignity kits- plastic buckets with mug, washing and bathing soap, disinfectant liquid, sanitary napkins. Post emergency distribution, IGSSS will continue Disaster Risk Reduction program in Churachandpur district with support from Misereor on preparedness and building of resilient community, it said.

The distribution mission is led by Kaplianlal Thangluai, Assistant Manager Program, Ashok Soram Assistant Finance Manager, IGSSS Regional Office Guwahati and Thangboi Haokip, Churachandpur IGSSS unit Head with support from four field volunteers and Kuki Student Organization (KSO), Kuki Khanglai Lawmpi (KKL) and Kuki Chief Association (KCA), it said.

The IGSSS extended special acknowledgement to Misereor and Christian Aid for answering a clarion call of IGSSS for reaching out to the affected people of Manipur and to the district administration of the concern district for their support and cooperation.


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