More join ILP hunger strike


IMPHAL, August 19: Altogether 10 individuals including eight DESAM volunteers have launched hunger strikes demanding implementation of the ILPS in the State.

Two of the hunger strikers are identified as Thangjam Puremba Meitei, 18, son of Th Kullachandra Meitei and Th (o) Biranani Devi of Khurai Thangjam Leikai Lainingthou Awngba and Tongbram Jeetan Singh, 26, son of Tongbram Ibomcha of Takyel Kolom Leikai.

Puremba had started his hunger strike on August 18 at the Khurai Ahongei Government Primary School, while, Jeetan started his strike at Takyel Kolom Leikai Waiting Shed since the morning of August 18.

Eight DESAM volunteers had also started their hunger strike since August 18 evening in front of their Keishampat office.


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