Nagas welcome signing of accord


IMPHAL, August, 7: A thanksgiving celebration function of the recent signing of the peace accord between the NSCN (IM) and the Government of India in New Delhi was held today at the Jadonang Park, Tamenglong headquarter attended by a huge crowd.

The celebration was organised by the frontal organisations of the Tamenglong District Celebration Committee.

It is also learnt that as part of the celebration, a torch rally will be taken out from the Lower Ground to Jadonang Park in the evening.

Meanwhile, the All Naga Churches in Chandel district of Manipur is conducting a welcome and thanksgiving prayer service to be organised across the district at the respective churches on August 9.

Informing the collective decision taken in this regard, presidents of Anal Christian Forum Rev Kl Tangthu Anal, who is also the executive secretary of Anal Naga Baptist Association (ANBA) said the programme would be conducted in collaboration with the Chandel Naga People`™s Organisation (CNPO).

The welcome and thanksgiving prayer according to Rev Kl Tangthu is organised to show that the churches in Chandel is grateful for the signing of the Peace agreement between the GoI and the NSCN (IM) recently.

The Churches will say special prayer of thanksgiving and further pray for PM of Narendra Modi and his government and collected leadership of the Nagas led by Isak Chisi Swu and Th Muivah, Tangthu added.

Meanwhile, Kanankhu Baptist Churches Thursday organised a get together to welcome the peace agreement at the church compound.

Led by Church Pastor Ts Hmungam, village authority chief and members, church members including men, women and youths present in the gathering, thanked PM of India, Narendra Modi and NDA government.

They also said `thank you` to Isak Chisi Swu and Th. Muivah.

The Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) and Tangkhul Longnao are jointly organising a Thanksgiving Day on August 10 to celebrate the signing of Peace Accord between the NSCN-IM and the Government of India (GoI) in New Delhi recently.

`A new history has been created and it is only fitting that we acknowledge the milestone peace pact with thanksgiving,` said TNL general secretary Nobert Khayi in a press briefing at his office this evening.

As a part of the Thanksgiving Day, the public of the township would be undertaking a Peace March holding Naga National Flag through the town`™s thoroughfare at 11 am, he informed adding that during which there would be a shutdown on commercial establishments and traffic movement in the town.

Urging all the residents of the town irrespective of tribe or race to participate in the celebration, Khayi asked all to dress themselves in their respective traditional attire on the day.

Later in the evening at 7 pm, all households would light up candles in their respective yards, while all Churches in the township would be conducting a candle-lit worship service, he informed.

We have duly informed all Tangkhul Longnao from across the district and we are expecting them all to take part in the event, he anticipated.


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