UNC welcomes GOI- NSCN (IM) pact


SENAPATI, August 6: The United Naga Council (UNC) extended a warm welcome over the Historic Peace Accord signed between the Government of India and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim on August 3 in the state capital New Delhi. The signing of peace accord has brought about an end to decades old armed conflict in Naga areas, a press release of the UNC said.

According to a statement, the Peace Accord was a result of a magnanimous courage and patience of the Nagas and the wisdom and political will of P.M Narendra Modi and his government.

The UNC extended its deepest appreciation and heartiest gratitude to the Prime Minister of India and chairman Isaac Chisi Swu and Thuingaleng Muivah, chief negotiator, general secretary of the NSCN/GPRN, it added.

`The Nagas in the present State of Manipur along with the rest of Nagas will always remember them and their names will be inscribed in the golden pages of Naga History. The Nagas of the present State of Manipur also pledge ourselves to continue to render our best effort in making the Peace Accord into its final shape, ` said S. Milan, Info & Pub Secy of UNC.

Meanwhile, the Zomi Human Rights Foundation (ZHRF) has expressed its appreciation over the sincerity of the present government of India for inking the historic accord with the National Socialist Council of Nagaland NSCN (IM) to bring about an amicable solution.

In a press statement, the foundation has said that the historic accord is a light in the end of the tunnel for the perturbed North East India. The aged old cultures, good values, village administrations, identity and other significant social institutions of the Indigenous Tribal People shall be protected, it added. The Foundation urged upon the players to sincerely work out the tenets of the Accords for utmost gains and benefits for long lasting Peace and Stability in the Region.

The seven Naga tribes of Chandel gathered today to honour and welcome the Peace Accord signed between the GoI India and the NSCN (IM).

All tribes presidents, leaders of the students organmisation, women organisations, rank and files of AC Battalion, Naga Army, Khurmi Region authorities and MDCs of ADC Chandel gathered to welcome the historic landmark in a function held Wednesday under the aegis of the Chandel Naga People`™s Organisation (CNPO) at the the CNPO`™s office located in the district head quarter town Japhou Bazar.

The people in the gathering were grateful to the wisdom of BJP led NDA Government of the centre for the efforts to end the six decade old Naga problem.

`We highly appreciate the leadership of the PM of India Narendra Modi and the collective leadership of the NSCN (IM) for bringing an honourable solution which is acceptable to all`™ said president of Sirti Upa Ruh Ng Beni.

Chief administrative officer of Khurmi Region Ts Prem in his speech recounted the struggle of the Naga Army in the past and termed the peace accord as the biggest achievement given to the Naga People by the Almighty God.

He said, it is the beginning of a new chapter for the Nagas to unite and defend Nagalim.

`It is time for us to reconcile, forgive and forget our differences`™ said PRO of AC Battalion Naga Army K Wangshol while speaking in the function.

`It`™s not by might, not by power but, by the prayer of all faithful Nagas, we have been able to achieve this glory`™ Wangshol added.

President of CNPO, Ws. Kanral Anal informed of a celebration, due to be held soon, by all section of the Naga society living in Chandel district.


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