AMKIL observes 15th Foundation Day


IMPHAL, Sept 8: The Apunba Manipur Kanba Ima Lup (AMKIL) observed its 15th foundation day at Lamyanba Sanglen, Palace compound today.

RK Ranendrajit editor of Freedom, who was the chief guest of the function talked about the social unrest and brewing conflict situation in the State.

He feels that dialogue will rectify the misunderstanding and restore mutual trust towards a peaceful co-existence among all the communities in Manipur.

The conflict situation provides a chance to revisit our roots and re-establish our fraternity and our nationhood. Let us continue to unite for upholding our rights, he said.

There is always an inherent tendency to mislead any genuine agitation. We should be mindful of such components and filter such elements. There lie the challenge of the public leaders to enforce discipline and command, he said.

Mutual understanding and proper discussion will retain our unity as we continue to dearly safeguard our motherland, he added.

Ph Sakhi president AMKIL, Th Ramani secretary All Manipur Women`™s Social Reformation Development Samaj and S Momon president All Manipur Tami Chingmi Apunba Nupi Lup also shared the dais on the occasion.


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