BJP continues election rants against Congress, claims party of being allergic to development


IMPHAL, November 16: The Congress governments in both Manipur and Assam are allergic to development of the North East region, claimed former Health minister of Assam Hemanta Biswas Sharma campaigning for Thongju BJP candidate Th Biswajit Singh today.

Attending Biswajit`™s flag hoisting ceremony at his residence today, Hemanta who had recently joined the BJP after exiting from the Congress said it is time to root out the Congress from the region.

Expressing that he is against the Congress party which seems to be allergic to development of the region, he said he decided to join the Modi led BJP and fight to eradicate Congress from the region.

The Congress party in the North East has corrupted all funds meant for development projects, he said.

Charging the central leaders of the Congress being hand in glove with the party leaders in the North Eastern States in corruption, Hemanta claimed there is something fishy going on between the leaders of Congress.

Stating that he was the Congress party in charge of Manipur during the 2012 general election in the State, he claimed to know of every malpractice of the Congress leaders of the State.

He urged the people of Thongju to vote for the BJP candidate.

Lok Sabha MP and BJP in charge of Manipur Prahlad Singh Patel also charged the Manipur government of looting the funds and said right now the people of Manipur needs a storekeeper and that could be Th Bishwajit Singh.

Patel said Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh has claimed of development, but where is the development.

He further compared the development in Manipur and in Madhya Pradesh and said the Congress government in Manipur was sworn in in 2002, whereas the MP government was sworn in in 2005.

However, there is a big difference in development in every field between the two States, he claimed.

He further charged the State government of not submitting the utilisation certificates of PMGSY and the Indira Gandhi Awaj Yojana.

O Joy also charged the Congress of being a destructive agent to the territorial integrity of Manipur.

Former BJP president and ex-Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly H Borobabu also spoke on the occasion.

Today`™s flag hoisting ceremony was also attended by other BJP leaders including M Asnikumar, Basanta Sharma, M Bhorot, Th Chaoba President BJP Manipur Pradesh.


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