Infernos devastate properties worth lakh of rupees


IMPHAL, Dec 7: Property worth Rs 10 lakh was destroyed in two separate fire incidents that broke out in different parts of Thoubal district in the past 24 hours.

The first fire incident was reported from New Public Higher Secondary School at Khangabok Sorok Wangma under Thoubal Police Station today early morning around 4.

The fire believed to have sparked by electric short circuit completely devastated administrative block building of the school including five laptops, one almirah, five sets of computer and documents.

On hearing the news, a team of Fire Service Thoubal arrived and doused the fire. Staff and students who stayed in the school boarding also helped in extinguishing the raging fire.

The second fire incident was took place at a residential house at Lilong Usoipokpi Hagamthabi yesterday around 10 pm, destroying property worth lakhs of rupees.

Teams of Imphal and Thoubal Fire Service came in and extinguished the fire.


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