IMPHAL, March 20: In a shocking incident, girl students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Imphal East were forced out from their dormitories by a contractor over non payment of outstanding bill by the school authority, before locking it down.
What was more disturbing is that the school authority did not turn up either to reason with or prevent the contractor even as the students were reportedly in the middle of their final examination.
As a result, over hundred of girl residents of the two dormitories, left with no choice, vacated their respective hostels and were seen standing outside with books in their hands. Perturbed by the sudden turn of event, some of the children were seen crying helplessly.
The contractor also locked the main gate of the school before leaving the campus.
On receiving the news, parents and guardians of the displaced students rushed to the school.
Speaking to media persons, a worried parent of the ward termed the incident unfortunate victimising the innocent students by dragging them in their tussle.
However genuine the cause may be one should atleast have second thought for the fact that these students are in the middle of their examinations.
This mindless act has disturbed the students mentally and will definitely affect on their performances, he continued.
He appealed both the parties to come to term at the earliest in the meantime immediately allow the students appear their exam without any hindrance.
A Class XI students strongly denounce today’s event claiming that they had not been notified beforehand to vacate from their hostels.
“Our mind is very much disturbed. I don’t know whether I will be able to concentrate on my studies and where will I study tonight”, she moaned.
According to the contractor, identified as one N Suranjoy Singh, he was compelled to do so while claiming to have had face enough hardship mental and financial due to non payment of his bills for over one year now.
He clarified that prior to taking the extreme steps, which he hoped can draw the attention of the authority, he had unambigously notified the authority to clear the dues giving a deadline of 15 days.
Suranjoy revealed that the construction of various components of the campus including girl began in the year 2008 under agreement with Technical Promotional (TP) Cell Valley involving huge amount of money. In 2015 the construction of dormitories, approached roads, drains, main gate were completed.
Nevertheless, one year has lapsed the TP Cell (V) failed to make any payment on the basis that the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has not released any funds, he said before adding that several appealed has been made to the authority to clear the dues.
He further clarified that his intention was not to disturbed the school or children. But, this was the only option left to send out message to the authority of how desperate my situation have become, he asserted.
The contractor revealed that a draft copy each of his warning to lock down the school if payment was not given in 15 day were also sent to DC Imphal East, who is the chairman, other concerned agency like the TP Cell and his subordinates department.