MUSU demands clarification from Manipur University VC on corruption charges


IMPHAL, March 5: The Manipur University Students’ Union (MUSU) has said that the union has submitted a memorandum to prof. H. Nandakumar Sharma, Vice-Chancellor asking him to spell out clarification on the allegation charged against him by February 28.

The allegations against the VC were made by the Democratic Students’ Alliance of Manipur (DESAM) alleging large scale irregularities of the university authorities before the media on February 19 and 23. 2016.

According to a release of MUSU, the alleg-ed irregularities include high-level corruption, favoritism, nepotism, violation of statutory rules, violation of human rights etc.

The charges also include fake appointment of seven junior assistants in December 2015 (vide office DO. No. MU/1/30/89/Admin.1, dated December 26, 2015) against nine posts which were already filled up in August 2015, advertisement of one fake (unsanctioned) post of professor in physics amongst 84 posts advertised on January 18, 2016 vide advertisement No. 1/15, dated January 18, 2016, Appointment of 101 non teaching staff members without advertisement through contract, Reemployment of the spouse of the vice-chancellor as full-fledged assistant finance office 9 a class-1/’ Group A post since September 5,2012 against govt. Rules and Discrimination between 2 ladies faculty members while giving maternity leave for duration of six months, by DESAM has shocked and surprised MUSU, it said.

MUSU further stated that DESAM pointed out before the media that there are still more serious irregularities in Manipur university, which are yet to be announced in public and also that they have submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister for necessary action against Prof. Nandakumar Sharma.

The union appreciated DESAM for their probe, it said.

In the memorandum submitted to the Vice-Chancellor the MUSU has categorically demanded that in the event of his failure to make the clarification within the stipulated date, it would take as understood that the Vice-Chancellor. Prof. Nandakumar Sharma has accepted all the charges leveled against him and he should tender his resignation from the office or Vice-Chancellor on moral ground by February 28.

But till date Prof. Sharm has neither made any official clarification on DESAM’s allegations against him nor yielded to the demand for his resignation from Vice-Chancellorship, it said.

MUSU has appealed to the Central government to immediately set a high level probe into the misdeeds of Prof Nandukumar Sharma and take necessary actions for relieving him from the post.

The student’s community of Manipur University and the people of Manipur are waiting eagerly for befitting action from the Central Government against the high handed and autocratic Vice-Chancellor Prof. H. Nandakumar Sharma, it said.


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