Fifty One Questions to Mr. President on Manipur-India Conflict


By Thounaojam Brinda

  1. How many ceasefires have worked?
  2. How many on Suspension of Operations?
  3. How many have come out successfully and how many have relapsed into worse mode? How many have been state sponsored?
  4. Why sponsoring militantly?
  5. Who benefit out of state sponsored terrorism?
  6. Who waged the war?
  7. What was and is the justification of the war?
  8. Conflict between a nation that was in the formation stage and a pioneer democracy in the region and an inherited colonial power who `have` armed itself with stockpiles of nuclear warheads and cruise missiles. Why stockpiling of military weapons in Manipur? Oh, because it`s a border state?
  9. Why military deployment in Manipur and her noisy sisters across the length and breadth of the Indian state?
  10. Whom does military deal with?
  11. Why the Indian state deploy the heaviest amount of military in Kashmir and north east, especially Manipur?
  12. What does this denote?
  13. Why people feel repulsive of the obnoxious ubiquitous military and para everywhere, in every street and highway, shameless that they are, the very military fatigue looks so hostile to our otherwise rustic villages?

Perhaps, there are too many questions than that are readied to be answered by the responsible.

Until these questions are answered to the satisfaction of a cynical and informed people, people will be left with no option but to be cynical of every move of the state. Suckers though still trust the parasite.

  1. Why the state do not trust its victims and vice versa?
  2. What is victimhood?
  3. Who is a victim?
  4. What is the reason for this victimhood?
  5. Who started it and what aggravated the sufferings?
  6. Who can solve it?
  7. What was Manipur’s political status before 15 October, 1949?
  8. What was the countdown of events that led to the Constitutional Monarch sign that forced document which is responsible for this mess?
  9. Will Mr. President be willing to discuss this at Maimu Pharmacy, BT Road, or Mao Gate or any venue your state chooses along with the Chief Minister, former Director General of Police and the present Superintendent of Police, Imphal West on the dais to answer the questions of the victims?
  10. Would Mr. President be pleased to solve this political conflict real man to man, state to people, complete transparency, full declassification of all fake encounter deaths (registered/non-registered), disappeared, raped, maimed, sodomised, widowed, torn families, thousands killed in this violence that was waged upon the already democratic people through the forceful annexation of 15 October, 1949?
  11. Who will be allowed to discuss freedom and sovereignty without any fear for atrocities from the state?
  12. What happened inside Maimu Pharmacy?
  13. Who gave orders to Herojit to shoot an unarmed Chungkham Sanjit?
  14. Who else gave order to the then Additional SP, AK Jhalajit to shoot Sanjit?
  15. What is there inside the charge sheet of CBI in the incumbent case?
  16. Did the main accused confess to the charges labeled against him?
  17. What does the statement of Herojit recorded by the CBI say?
  18. Why the ominous silence on the exposure?
  19. Why all sections of the state keep their shameless thika mouth shut this time?
  20. The sacrosanct State Assembly and the Parliament are the very blots that are burrowing inside out of this system to its total self-destruction. When cows are given more importance than the lives of the people in this region, how do we, the chinkies, suppose to feel one with you who claim yourself the most superior of all beings in this Vedic Age?

What I find funniest is to see this hypocrisy too starkly in its brazen claim of a secular state while both fanatic bigots and pseudo seculars are it is deeply f#$%^& in bed to screw the public.

  1. How do the people of this region enable themselves to trust your state?
  2. Why people are not informed in all fun fare about the finding of the existence of huge petroleum products along with natural gases?
  3. Where is chromium?
  4. Why privatization in all essential service sectors while purposely making public institutes defunct? Healthcare, education, water, electricity.
  5. Why borrow from Asian Development Bank to build infrastructures that serve corporate interests, such as, new roads, road widening, ring road plans, AH 1, railway, electricity corporatization by buying electricity from corporate while the megawatts produced by the Loktak Hydro Electric Project owned by NHPC, a corporate (over 80,000 inhabitants have been uprooted and displaced without compensation all in a sudden wind of lies by the then Chief Minister Moirang Koireng), whom do all these serve?
  6. Why so many big dams?
  7. Who own them?
  8. Investors are all fully indemnified with their estimated profit. Thus, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and their regional sub controls. How much of our total land area have been leashed out to private corporates and at how much profit sharing between state-union government and Jubilant or any company?
  9. Which Sub Divisional Officers, District Collectors are responsible for the policy formulation of these under the bed deals?
  10. Do we need Inner Line Permit System or is it better to skill our workforce and public strangulate the responsible bureaucrats who do these paper works, mostly, at the behest of higher ups as we call in Manipur nonchalantly?
  11. Will the bureaucrats come out clean? When borders can be fenced and unarmed innocents are killed like trapped mosquitoes, how so much influx of Bangladeshi migrant workers, as if encouraged by the Indian state, apparently? When Maharashtra can shout valiantly, why cannot our so called representatives raise their thika voice on the rapid population grafting made upon a stably growing population of indigenous? We shall be honored to have a discussion on few cases as Chanu Rose, Sangita, Ahanjaobi, Thangjam Manorama, for that matter.

There is the case of Judge’s trip to Tamenglong and the abandonment of a valuable client by the defense counsel himself.

  1. Why the Indian State is not ready to acknowledge the conflict that Manipur and India have and keep on trying to cover it as domestic/internal issue?
  2. Is it an issue of once bitten, twice shy from bring up the Kashmir issue in the UN by the Father of its Nation?
  3. Is it an internal conflict? If so, why military installations on every mound and strategic locations of the state? May I have the privilege of bringing it to your knowledge that it is pertinent to recognize the sentiments of the various fierce ethnic groups of this region on seeing the patka and bullet proof laden, rifle clad camouflaged caterpillars that we generally call. They are as much exploited as we are. They don’t see their families all in the name of sacrifice for a nation which is for the ruling class. Thus, your sepoys sacrifice and die for you elites. The conditions of war veterans are shameful. One time, they were proud underdogs too. We shall love to discuss on the military installation in the sacrosanct University. The only one of its kind. May be, because, the mound is the reason. Strategic, huh !
  4. Can the court you set up try a case in which you are a party to it?

There is no law above principles of natural justice. Hence, nemo judex in parta/cuasa sua. No one to be a judge in its own case. Hear the other party. These are the eternally sacrosanct maxims of truth. When these are not followed, who will trust in your Court, think victims? We need deeper understanding of war, victim, victimhood, genocide, conflict resolution with or without the state.

Spirituality is rather conceived as being honest but not about suppression of legitimate emotions of self and others. Be they anger, dissent, hate or love, spirituality is concerned about compassion which can be brought forth by complete surrendering, heartfelt apology to the ones wronged by the wrong doer and to allow the victim redeem and forgive if it can. Depends on the transparency and genuineness of the apology. Much have been wronged to the people of this region. Much have been lied to. It has been a genocide for it has been a war since 15 October, 1949.

  1. Who will dry the tears that have been caused by the war on the indigenous who turned their ass towards them?

No Nehruvian policy, no more. Neither of the incestuous Gandhi who allegedly faked celibacy.

  1. Will everyone be able to bring forth all the bones in their closets?
  2. How can the oppressed victims of an imperialist nation trust the state that is responsible for all its state sponsored woes?

All victims and stakeholders should be heard by a court which has only truth and justice in its court. Hear all, deliver justice. Nemo judex in cuasa sua. Indian state judiciary is a spit on these timeless Latin Maxims.

Justice must not only be done but must also be seen to be done.

Let us talk, Mr President.




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