KNF-N warns action against PMGSY contractors who violate norms


IMPHAL, April 7: The Kuki National Front-Nehlun (KNF-N) group has warned to take action against PMGSY contractors who violate norms by tendering their bidding lower than the actual tender price for PMGSY Phase-X under government of India for Manipur.

Speaking to a select media team at their general headquarter Daitwi camp, Sadar Hills in Senapati district, captain Arun Kuki, CO of the general headquarter stated that in the operational area of the organisation any group or individual is not allow to collect or make any monetary demands and other UGs groups should not interfere on the developmental works in the area.

He alleged that a contractor identified as VS Nganingkhui has been bidding a tender under the Phase-X of PMGSY Package number MNO6257 for the construction of Inter Village Road (IVR) in Sadar Hills connecting Rishophung to Komlaching below the tender amount for three consecutive times.

This is against the interest of the public as well as against the rules prescribed by the government of India, he said.

The KNF-N has been observing the bidding process and has witnessed that Nganingkhui has failed to follow the guidelines, he claimed.

The KNF-N consider the attitude of Nganingkhui to be a challenge to the outfit, he said continuing further that it will not remain silent if any malpractice is found in awarding contract works.

If the concerned department allows violation of PMGSY norms and guidelines, the group will take befitting action against the guilty officials and contractor, he warned.

He further demanded VS Nganingkhui to contact KNF-N within 2 weeks starting from today.

Kuki further asked the civil organisations not to support the said contractor.

He said the KNF-N has already warned against contractors bidding below the tender amount and the tender has been repeated for three times.


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