Bandh cripples Imphal, public curfew enforced JACs bandh on, JCILPS’ curfew comes into force


IMPHAL, May 5: The 48 hours State-wide bandh called by the JACs of Kakwa and Lilong over the controversial death of Prasanta is going on although there is no report of any untoward incident so far.
Notably, the bandh is being supported by AMUCO and UCM.
Even as the JACs bandh is still in force yet another 42 hours public curfew called by the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) came into force from midnight of May 5.
The area between Singjamei and Canchipur was worst affected due to the bandh called by the JACs.
While Singjamei market remained shut, there was no vehicular movement between Singjamei and Canchipur.
Bandh supporters were seen blocking movement of people as well as vehicles at different points along the highway stretch.
Although the bandh had little impact in other areas, normal life in the State capital was affected.
Fuel stations and markets in the Imphal city were closed. Passenger and other vehicles went off the roads.
Sagolsem Prasanta alias Abung of Kakwa Nameirakpam Leikai was found hung to death from a tree at Lilong Haoreibi Awang Leikai on April 26. The 48 hours State-wide bandh was called urging the Government to establish facts and circumstances leading to the death of Prasanta.
The JAC (Kakwa) held a meeting with Chief Minister O Ibobi on May 2 and the latter sought two-days time to establish the facts and circumstances leading to the death of Prasanta.
However, the Government could not establish the facts and circumstances leading to Prasanta’s death. Hence the bandh has been imposed.
The public curfew of the JCILPS which came into force from midnight today is aimed at piling the pressure on the State Government to get the three Bills, passed on August 31 last year into Acts.


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