Frequency of rape and molestation Reflection of demented minds


Sick mindset. Not sick in the clinical sense and it reflects a social reality bringing all to the question of where exactly women stand in society. Placed on a pedestal in the public domain but reduced to a punching bag in the domestic sphere. The double standard has to go. The five youths who have been pulled up for sexually molesting a 15 year old girl are products of this society and it this fact that should not be lost on anyone. Not the first time that girls have been sexually molested in Manipur and this brings the question of where women stand in this land which gave the meira paibi movement to the world, saw two Nupi Lans and is home to the only market place run and managed exclusively by womenfolk. Rape and molestation continue unabated in this land and it should be clear that Manipur is no longer safe for the fairer sex. And this is where some uncomfortable questions have to be dealt with accordingly. As said earlier, it is the mindset that needs a relook. A place where it has become socially acceptable for young boys to indulge in eve teasing does not exactly inspire confidence about the safety of women and young girls. Why is it that the birth of a male child is welcomed more than the birth of a girl child ? These are questions which merit the attention of everyone.
Let it then be clear that it is the responsibility of all to make the place a safer place for girls and women. And the home should be the starting point for all. Makes no sense to place women on the pedestal in the public domain but reduce them to punching bags or something worse within the confine of one’s own home. The double standard has to go. Let it also be drilled in the mind of every male child that eve teasing will not be tolerated. There is nothing as innocent fun in subjecting women and young girls to eve teasing, which can at times be full of innuendoes. Give equal treatment to sons and daughters and while this may not be all encompassing it will certainly go some way in sending out the message that girls are not to be treated as second class citizens. Rapes and molestation are more than a law and order problem for it is a reflection of how women are treated. There will obviously be no magic formula to deal with the situation, but it should be the responsibility of all to start teaching youngsters to respect womenfolk and home is obviously the best place to start. Rapes and molestation should not find place in the land which gave the meira paibi movement to the world.


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