To protest deplorable road condition… CSOs Sadar Hills warn highway bandh


E-Front-__-CSOs-Deplorable-condition-of-National-Highway-2-near-SapormeinaKANGPOKPI, May 25: Civil society organizations of Sadar Hills comprising of KSO, TSA, KWU including its constituent units under the aegis of Kuki Inpi, Sadar Hills have warned of imposing a highway bandh along the Trans Asian Highway No.1 over the dilapidated stretch along Imphal-Dimapur road today. CSOs Sadar Hills Spokesperson, Lamcha Chongloi while addressing the media on the sidelines of a highway inspection today from Taphou Kuki to Gamgiphai in Sadar Hills said that the Trans Asian Highway No.1 which is dotted with numerous potholes, present the untold misery of the road users as well as the indifferent attitude of the State Government apart from the departments and contractors concerned.
More than 400 to 500 trucks and various other heavy loaded vehicles have been passing through the said highway daily. As such it is important that the road is kept in a good condition, Chongloi added.
He added that considering the deplorable condition of the highway, CSOs of Sadar Hills have repeatedly appealed to the State Government to repair it but no positive response has been received so far.
The CSOs Sadar Hills spokesperson asked the State Government as to why the repairing work of the Imphal-Dimapur road cannot continue smoothly and urged the State Government and the department concerned to immediately repair the same within a stipulated time.
The deplorable condition of the highway has also led to frequent road accidents.
The stretch between Keithelmanbi and Sapormeina via Bongmol and Leikop is strewn with potholes while the stretch between Sapormeina and Motbung is worse with oversized potholes enough to keel over heavy loaded vehicles.
The stretch between T Khullen and Senapati DHQs via Taphou Kuki is also dotted with potholes.
Earlier the CSOs Sadar Hills had imposed an economic blockade on the same issue and the stir was suspended after the contractor concerned assured to begin the repairing work but till today no repairing activities have been taken up along the highway.


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