Chennai students show solidarity to ILP demand


E-Front-__-Solidarity-to-ILPs-studentsCHENNAI, Jun 3 : To show their solidarity to the ongoing Inner Line Permit (ILP) protests in Manipur, students from various colleges of Chennai on Thursday carried out a siege protest in front of Shastri Bavan, office complex of the Indian Government in the capital of Tamil Nadu.
Month-long protests in Manipur and recent road blockade by Manipuri students in Imphal braving water cannon triggered the demonstration. Organisers of the demonstration said that Tamil students have a history of protesting against anti-people policies of the Government. They raised voice in support of North Easterners, Kashmiris, Punjabis, Palestinians, Kurds, Eelam Tamils and for every other oppressed Nationals.
After the students announced the siege protest, top cops and intelligence officials contacted the students to drop siege protest and instead stage a demonstration. But the students refused to bow and continued with the siege protest.
When the students reached the spot on Jun 2, 2016 at 3 pm, there were 200 policemen to thwart the siege protest. Students held placards supporting the Manipur protests and they displayed slogans such as “We support ILP”, “Demilitarize North East”, “Repeal AFSPA”, “We Tamils support Manipur protests also”, etc.
The students also raised slogans against the Indian Government for ignoring the fundamental rights of the people. Various media personnel present there were briefed about the ongoing Manipur protests and the need for Tamils to support the protest. Later, the students barged into the Shastri Bhavan complex and subsequently the police arrested them. The students were released several hours later. Courtesy North East Today


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