Expending help to stranded passengers Innate goodness of mankind


One of the few things which reaffirm people’s faith in the innate goodness of mankind. This came out in all its pristine beauty when the people of Senapati district extended support and co-operation to the police personnel who were deputed to escort the stranded people who were caught in the total bandh called by different civil society organisations in the hill districts on June 9. There is a lesson to be learnt here and hope all the different social organisations which are in the forefront of mobilising the people to pursue one objective or the other have taken note of the beautiful gesture extended by the people of Senapati district. This was conveyed to the media houses, but unfortunately the English edition of The Sangai Express could not publish the same as the news report came rather late and it was past the deadline when it reached the office of this paper. Heartening to note that the Senapati based Naga People’s Organisation convened an emergency meeting on June 9 and decided to relax the bandh keeping in mind the safety and convenience of the stranded passengers. This was preceded by appeals from MLA Alexander Pao, ATSUM leaders and the State police headquarters. Equally noteworthy too that some Kuki organisations extended co-operation to the police in evacuating the stranded passengers.
The 24 hours bandh in the hill districts is over and now it is time for the economic blockade. As usual it is the common people who stand to be affected the most but yet at the same it is the humane gesture extended to the stranded passengers which give all the hope that the goodness of mankind can prevail and this is what matters ultimately. It is this sense which should be given primacy for what Manipur needs today is for all to try and see the view points of the others and stop looking at everything through the prism of only one’s opinion. Give and take, this is the need of the hour. The humane gesture shown to the stranded passengers should define the relationship amongst the people and that gesture should be repaid. This is what all the people of the State should digest and try to emulate. There have been some ugly instances in the past. Time for all to learn some important lessons from the past and see how to improve things. At the moment, the 10 days economic blockade is on but at the same time it is only right for all the people to remember that ultimately it is the common people who will suffer. Why make the common people suffer ?


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