In search of Guinness World Record Youth carves ‘longest’ pen out of bamboo


word-longest-pen-made-of-bambooCCpur, Jun 11 : In an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of World Records, a self-trained youth has carved the world largest pen out of bamboo. Measurement and display of the 22.1 ft (7020.8mm) long pen that has been crafted from a single bamboo was attended by Government officials and engineers. Crafted by Ginkhanpau Vualnam, a handicraft enthusiast who runs Zogam Bamboo Works since 2008 and has sold hundreds of bamboo pens across the world, the specially crafted pen weighs 18 Kgs and spotted a refill of 280.20 mm in length and 33 mm in diameter. Ginkhanpau reportedly took 80 days to turn a Dragon Bamboo which costed Rs 250 into a usable pen.

Zogam Bamboo Works had petitioned the Guinness Book of World Records in June last for the record attempt. He then embarked on the daunting task after contacting officials of the Guinness Board. Ginkhanpau said the display and measurement of the pen was a part of conditions laid down by the board for his official entry into the Guinness Book of World Records.

“If they are convinced that my pen surpasses the existing record of 18 feet pen, that was casted out of iron, I am confident it will make its way into the records book without any barrier,” he said. Ginkhanpau said he is also vying for a record in the continent level and in the Limca Book of World Records. T Chinzasawm, Section Officer of IFDC Department, V Jamkhanmang of PWD, B Dongzalian, chairman of Zomi Council, Khamsuanmung Tombing, Divisional Forest Officer, Alfred Khaute, representative from the Deputy Commissioner Office and Langkhanpau Guite, Chairman, Autonomous District Council, Churachandpur were also present.


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