More demand release of KSA members


IMPHAL, Jun 1: Apart from holding a public meeting, people of Shamurou, Naorem, Oinam and Wangoi staged a sit-in-protest demanding unconditional release of five KSA executives at Shamurou bazar today.
They also demanded befitting punishment of the persons involved in food adulteration.
Oinam Sawombung Young Citizen Organisation president Md Yunush Khan said that people have been blocking Mayai Lambi since May 29 demanding unconditional release of the five arrested KSA executives.
Saying that police have been detaining innocent students although the two non-locals who were pulled up by KSA for adulterating common salt have been freed, Md Junush said that such insensible act of the police must be condemned by one and all. IPSA vice-president Joychandra Konthoujam said that it is not justifiable to detain the student leaders who brought a serious case of food adulteration to light.
It is illogical to punish them instead of appreciating them for the good work they have done for the society, he observed. Saying that in other countries, food adulterators are severely punished, Joychandra alleged that Food Safety unit of State Medical Directorate is totally defunct.
Meanwhile, people of Shamurou Awang Leikai, Mayai Leikai, Makha Leikai, Shamurou bazar, Naorem and Oinam Sawombung have suspended the ongoing Mayai Lambi bandh.
In a statement, Oinam Sawombung Young Citizen Organisation president Md Yunus Khan said that the decision was taken in view of the inconvenience faced by the public. However, no non-local would be allowed to travel on the road and enter Sawombung, Naorem and Oinam Sawombung areas until the arrested students are released.
He added that people of these localities would extend full support to all the stirs announced by KSA and JCILPS. Yunus Khan further said that people are also ready to launch more intense agitations to secure release of the students.


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