BJP opens CCpur office


CCpur, Jul 21: With an eye on the upcoming Assembly election, the State BJP today made a grand entry in the district, amidst a raging dispute on the party’s district functionaries, and set up an office which is claimed to be the legitimate one at Light House Lane here.
The convenor of the party’s election committee Th Chaoba; Adim Pamei, vice-president State BJP; V Hangkhanlian, vice-president State BJP; T Mangi, vice-president State BJP; I Mangiton Singh, vice-president State BJP; O Malesh Singh, secretary State BJP and several other executives of the party at the State and the district level graced and addressed the function dubbed as an inauguration of the district BJP office and felicitation of the new BJP president, the convenor and the vice-president from the district.
However, party president Ksh Bhabananda Singh skipped the function.
Addressing the packed crowd at the office, moments after formally inaugurating the office, V Hangkhanlian claimed that the office he had inaugurated today was the legitimate office of the party. He also maintained that the inaugural exercise was carried out after due approval of the president and on his directives.
Appealing to the people of Churachandpur to make it a point to elect BJP candidates from the district, the former Minister said it will be a disadvantage for the district if his call is not heeded as the BJP by all means will be in power after the election.
Chaoba on his part was his usual self and launched a scathing jibe at the Congress party, the recruitment processes and the law and order situation in the State. The BJP, he said, if voted to power will reverse the ills of the Congress and will ensure that there is all round development in the State be it in the hills or in the plain. He also promised to uproot corruption from the State once the party comes to power.
Several intending BJP contenders from the six Assembly Constituencies of the district were also presented before the gathering by the district president K Vungzalian. The contenders are – V Hangkhanlian, Paokholal Haokip, Ngursanglur, Chinlunthang, Letzamang Haokip, and Jainson Haokip.


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