Committee on Voting for a Change (CVC)


In a Democratic country, people should be at the top of the hierarchy. A Government should come from the people and People itself should be the government. This thought is diminishing. This is the reason that causes the increasing gap between people and government. Even Government (which ought to be People’s Government.) and the elected representatives who are supposed to work for the people overlook People’s suffering. This compels people to take politics as a dirty pool, and the politicians as thieves racing amidst the dirty water of the pool. This is also becoming true to some extent. But, in order to clean and rectify it, a sincere effort of the people is needed. The Idea of real Democracy can only be achieved when people become politically conscious.

Based on this viewpoint, after consulting various eminent personalities engaged in different fields and various academicians, a Youth committee named as Committee on Voting for a Change (CVC) is constituted with many and various youths who hail from different nook and corners of the state. The objective of the Committee can be known from its name itself. Yes, to bring a change. Although political parties have been campaigning with the slogan “vote for a Change”, the change is still invisible. In a Constituency, people may witness new faces and new representatives but after getting elected, most of the elected representatives are found to join the culture of restraining themselves from the common people. Besides that, most of them pace up in becoming a VIP and live luxuriously, forgetting why they are elected and who elected them. The pride of the VIP tag often disrespects the intentions of the common people. More disheartening is the development of the wicked thought of buying voters with few 500 & 1000 notes. This is where we, the people, are wrong. Today’s few moments’ of happiness with the cash, alcohol and drugs during election will make us burn amidst pain and misery for at least Five years. And if it continues, people will go on suffering while the wicked elected representatives will go on feeding on us. And one day, a time may come when we all die in a hell like situation.

So, regarding the upcoming General Assembly Election, Committee on Voting for a Change (CVC) would like to convey its message to the people – first, let us not choose few moment’s joy against five years’ long term. Second, let us not get trapped in the crocodile tears of wicked selfmade leaders. Third, let us not sell our motherland for those few 500 and 1000 notes. Please cast your votes for the ones who will work and at least speak for the poor and common men in the Assembly/parliament. Let us stop selling our lives just for the sake of money and drugs. Let us make our children inherit a corruption less society. And for that let us atleast try to take this small step of making elections total free and fair.

As a part of CVC’s campaign, a cycle rally will be organized on the 6th of October which will start from THAU ground, Thangmeiband. On this occasion too CVC invites all the people of Manipur irrespective of race, creed and religion to kindly support and take part in the event with a delightful hope of creating a Corruption less, peaceful and developed Manipur. Besides that, a poster campaign in many of the nook and corners of the state will also be organized. And this will simultaneously go on with a street play named “eikhoi vote thadhaba heisi” to be played by the volunteers of CVC. In such an activity CVC request the fellow brothers and sisters of Manipur to enhance the confidence level of CVC volunteers.

Activities of CVC planned as of now
# Oct 6 – cycle rally
# Oct 8,9,10 – street plays
# Pre Oct 6 – local level mobilization (Includes meetings with local clubs and meira paibies at the local level)
# Poster campaign.


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