Tripura hotel owner pours hot water on cook for not finishing work on time


A hotel owner in Tripura’s capital Agartala poured hot water on the cook for not finishing her work on time. (HT Photo )
A hotel owner in Tripura’s capital Agartala poured hot water on the cook for not finishing her work on time. (HT Photo )
A hotel owner allegedly poured hot water and dal over a female employee for not finishing her job on time in Tripura’s capital Agartala, police have said.

A case was lodged at East Agartala Women’s Police Station. The accused is absconding after the incident, a police officer said on Thursday.

“We took the case last evening (Wednesday) after the victim showed us her burn injuries. We will shortly serve a notice to the accused hotel owner. We are investigating the matter and hope we will arrest him soon,” the officer said.

According to Swapna Das, the incident occurred on Tuesday noon at the hotel in Motor Stand area when she was busy cooking meals. The accused, Sudhanshu Datta, asked her to hurry up.

In her complaint, Das said Dutta poured hot water and dal over her in front of other staff because she took time a bit longer to finish cooking.

Das sustained serious burn injuries.


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