Reminiscence of career as a teacher and a researcher


After completing M.Sc. (Botany) in 1971 from the Gauhati University, Guwahati the author remain at home without any job for about one year. While remembering the past event of life, one really enjoyed by comparing the past with the present. From the present, the future of life is planned. In this article, the author tried to remember his past experiences, from what stage to the present stage he could reach. This recapitulation of the past events really made self realization and create happiness by remembering the past. In this article the author made an attempt to recapitulate his own career as a Teacher and Researcher.
Initiation of teaching career
During July, 1972, an inland letter was received by the present author through Prof. L. Janmejoy Singh, Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University, Canchipur from Dr. K. Sanajaoba Singh, HOD/Botany, St. Edmund’s College, Shillong stating that a Post of Lecturer in Botany lying vacant in that college. Dr. Sanajaoba Singh asked the writer to submit his C.V. immediately. Accordingly he submitted his C.V. for consideration of the Post. Four candidates were interviewed. Out of which, the present writer was selected for the post of Lecturer in Botany, St. Edmund’s College, Shillong. Accordingly, the present writer joined St. Edmund’s College on 4th September,1972 and served the college in that capacity till 31st July 1981. That was the first job received by the present writer and initiated his career as a teacher.
Initiation of research career
After serving St. Edmund’s College, Shillong for about one year or so during November, 1973, one day the present writer came down toGauhati University, Guwahati and dropped in the chamber of Prof. H.K. Baruah, where he was Prof. & Head, Botany Department (1948-1974) and requested him to allow the present writer to do research for Ph. D degree under his (H.K.B) supervision. Prof. Baruah told the writer to meet him at MLA Hostel, Shillong on the next Sunday. That was perhaps the last week of November, 1973. As advised,the writer met Prof. Baruah at the MLA Hostel, Shillong, then he gave to the writer a topic entitled “Studies on Air-borne pathogen of Shillong and its suburbs” for Ph. D degree of the Gauhati University. Then winter break for college started from 23rd December, 1973 and reopened in the first week of February, 1974. Prof. Baruah also asked the writer to buy a copy of the book entitled “The Microbiology of the Atmosphere” by P.H. Gregory (Second Edition, 1973). On the request of the writer, Rev Br. R.B. Veiyra, Principal, St. Edmund’s College, Shillong agreed to buy a copy of the book which was purchased from M/S Banwari  Lal Jain, Mti Katra, Agra. That was really an eye opener book for the writer to learn ABC of Aerobiology. Prof. H.K. Baruah permitted the writer to work for laboratory at the Botany Department, St. Edmund’s College itself. The necessary facility was created for by the then HOD/Botany, Dr. K.S.Singh. In the meantime, one day the author announced to his B.Sc Botany (Hons) class that he was going to work on Aerobiology and Human respiratory allergy but has no literature. One of the students told to the writer that he had gone through an article on Allergy published in November, 1968 issue of “Science Today”.
The writer immediately asked his student to bring the copy of “Science Today” for his reference. The name of the article was “What is allergy?” by Dr. D.N. Shivpuri, M.D., Head, Department of Respiratory Allergy and Applied Immunology, V.P. Chest Institute, Delhi-110007. After going through the article “What is Allergy?” the present author was really excited and wrote a letter to Dr. D.N.Shivpuri for reprints of his research publications. Dr. Shivpuri sent the present author a list of his and his students’ publications. He (D.N.S) also invited the present writer to join a three day workshop on “Aerobiology, Allergens and preparation of Antigens” which was held during October 27-29, 1975 at V.P. Chest Institute, Delhi University. That workshop was a beginning of his (the present writer) formal training in Aerobiology.
For the air sampler, Durham type (modified) air sampler was developed by the present writer. The sampler was made of iron pipe/bar/sheet at the Don Bosco Technical School, Shillong. Unfortunately, Prof. H.K. Baruah, a former Vice-Chancellor, Gauhati University (1974-1979) expired on 16th January, 1980 when the present writer Ph.D. work was nearing completion. Ultimately the writer approached Prof. (Mrs) Parukulty Baruah, a veteran Botanist of Gauhati University with a changed topic for the writer Ph.D. thesis. The title was “Studies on the Air Spora of Shillong and its Suburbs” which she allowed the writer to submit under her supervision. The thesis was submitted in February, 1981 and Ph.D. degree of the Gauhati University was awarded in 1982. During 1973, the present author qualified himself for B.T. under North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. He also qualified for 2 year Diploma in higher Education in 1976 under All India Association for Christian Higher Education, Delhi.
Teaching and research career
The second phase of teaching career was spent at the Manipur Agriculture College, Iroishemba Asst. Professor of Microbiology (1/8/1981 to 20/7/1984). The teaching assignment during this period was for BSc (Agri) courses. The writer did some research experiments but due to limited facilities, fruitful experiments could not be executed. But the interaction with faculty members of different branches of Agriculture such as Horticulture, Agronomy, Soil sciences and Chemistry etc., were found to be very helpful next phase of teaching career.
The third phase of teaching and research career was at the Life Sciences Department, Manipur University, Canchipur.
(to be contd)


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