Story of Mr. O. – InkTober Day 16


Jackson Meisnam InkTober

by Jackson Meisnam

Mr. Stranger : The UPA leader, I don’t know his name, but he’s coming here for a small event of his teammates. I’m dropping you here because I have other business to deal with.

“Thank you so much! What are those circles?” I screamed like those screamers in a horror film, I mean’t the Ghost.


“Stay Low or Die High!” howled, Mr. Stranger.

(About Inktober: Every October, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.
Jake Parker created InkTober in 2009 as a challenge to improve  inking skills and develop positive drawing habits.Jackson was busy with some domestic project so couldn’t start from day 1. So he decided to join in from day 6 by drawing a story based excuse. The Story of Mr.O.)


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