Manipur Issues against Violence & Blockade called by UNC


of Manipur. It was further heightened by the ambush to the State force personals by suspected NSCN-IM which led to the killing 3 state force personals and injuries of several of them. The Kwairamband bazar Emas called band. The unfortunate consequences such as the bomb blast in Imphal, the continuation of Economic blockade by UNC and sporadic counter blockades in a few locations, the curfew in Imphal East and Internet mobile ban in Imphal West are now leading situation from bad to worst.

We appeal to the Government of Manipur to make accountable and responsible to bring Normalcy and the Unity among the ethnic communities of Manipur by taking impartial, politically unbiased action. We would like to re-iterate the historical fact that Manipur belongs to the PEOPLE OF MANIPUR. Manipur is a plural, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-lingual democratic state. The Government of Manipur must take both short term and long term actions to educate the people of Manipur this historical realities and challenges. The demand raised by different ethnic groups must be democratically discussed and resolved. No violence must be used by both Government of Manipur and People’s group.

We earnestly appeal to the UNC to withdraw the economic blockade and take all the possible democratic steps to resolves the issues. Economic blockade cannot be, must not be and will not be a democratic means to negotiate with the Government. We further appeal to the people of Manipur who are organizing counter blockades to press the government to make it accountable instead of making the innocent people suffered. We condemn the recent attacks on State Forces and also to those organizations or groups who try to take actions in communal line. Let us not be a victim of externally engineered social, political and cultural divides, much against the well-being of the people of Manipur.

May the collective wisdom of Peace and Unity be prevailed!

(Huidrom Shangba)
Shillong Manipuri Students’ Union, Shillong,
Laitumkhrah, Boycee Road, Manipur House, Shillong – 793003, Meghalaya #9856600442


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