MNP questions UNC’s objection to Sadar Hills


The Meitei (Meetei) Nationalist Party, MNP has termed that UNC’s objection and obstruction to the creation of Sadar Hills district as an underlying intention of consolidating Naga separatist movement through committing unlawful activities inside the territory of Manipur, said a release.

On the other hand, the Kuki organizations are sailing the boat against the confluence as they assert that the formation of Sadar Hills district will not affect the land of Meiteis which itself is communal in the formation of district in the state, it maintained.

Asserting that the state government should ascertain such demands at their initial stages whether they are vested with communal separatist-interest instead of the objective of minimizing the responsibilities of the district administration, the MNP in the release said if proper scrutiny is not done such demands may cause more damages to the administration than facilitating it.

For creation of new district, segregation of land from any community-dominated land in the existing district may be involved but it should not interpreted that the district is solely for a particular community, it further said.

And creation of Sadar Hills district should not be perceived as community-based and relate it to a particular community. As such, perceiving Sadar Hills as Kuki district is wrong and the UNC should not worry about any land shrinkage in Naga-settled areas, it added.

The formation of a new district is to enhance administration in small divisions and blocks with full fledged administration supported by sufficient staff so that all kinds of public grievances and administrative limitations can be easily dealt with at the right time as the administrations in bigger districts are unable to effectively cover their administrative jurisdiction, it added.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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