Employment Generating Hands on Skill Development Course Announced


Employment Generating Hands on Skill Development Course Announced 

KEN to finance one month computer skill development course for the youth in Manipur.

Knowledge Exchange Network Manipur (KEN Manipur), a voluntary organisation collectively run by Manipuri professionals across the world, based at Boston, USA, with its sole aim of creating employmentopportunities in Manipur through knowledge transfer and skill development, has announced its first ever fully sponsored free employment generating computer skill development course in Imphal, to be commenced from the 3rd week of August.

KEN is offering through one of its accredited local partners, a one month Free Skill Computer Training Course beginning from the 1st of September, 2017 at Imphal. The main curriculum of the course will be focused on Desktop Publishing using computer skills and technologies. The training is a competitive course and following the successful completion of the course, candidates will have opportunities to have free mentoring by the voluntary Manipuri professionals residing worldwide.

Successful candidates will also be guided locally to set up and run their own self-employment where possible.

In a resolution passed by the Executive committee of the organisation dated 2nd August 2017, it says “KEN should see that successful and sincere candidates get the real benefit of the course by lending all possible help”.

As a trial basis, the first batch will have a limited number of seats the intake of which will be based on interview process. Candidates will be tested in the end of the course and certificates will be distributed accordingly.

Interested candidates can download the forms from: www.kenmanipur.org/form
Knowledge Exchange Network, a group of Manipuri professional diasporas, aims at helping creating employment in Manipur by providing hands on free skill development on the job training for the youth in the state.

Dr Nongmaithem Ajith Singh
Senior Liaison Officer Manipur
Knowledge Exchange Network, Manipur
(KEN-Manipur), Boston USA.



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