Hill Leaders’ Day and Meeyamgi Numit : Will announce Govt’s one year prog soon: CM


Imphal, August 16 2017: Hundreds of people turned up on the joint Hill Leaders’ Day and Meeyamgi Numit to air their grievances to Chief Minister N Biren Singh at CM’s Secretariat today.

The Chief Minister attended to as many as about 350 complaints and personally met nearly 1500 people from 9 am to 2:30 pm.

The Hill Leaders’ Day and Meeyamgi Numit for the month of August were combined today as CM N Biren was out of station to attend the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-India relations at Vientiane, Laos and August 15 being Independence Day.

On the sideline of the programme, Chief Minister N Biren Singh told media persons that due to the recent floods and his urgent engagements inside and outside the country, he could not meet the public on August 10 and 15 last which were the actual dates of Hill Leader’s Day and Meeyamgi Numit respectively.

So, a joint Hill Leaders’ Day and Meeyam-gi Numit was hosted today, he added.

He said, “Today, I have received complaints on not taking proper action in some cases by the Departments concerned despite my directives given in the earlier Hill Leaders’ Day and Meeyamgi Numit.”
N Biren Singh said that it gave him intense pain when he came to know about the condition of widows, differently-abled and poor people of the State.

The Government would introduce new welfare schemes at the earliest so that poor and needy people could be benefited, he added.

Health Department officials were deputed at CM’s Secretariat for the day to attend to the people, who seek medical assistance, reimbursement and health care in Government medical facilities, he added.

The Chief Minister said that with the successful completion of 100 days’ programme, the Government is set to announce the list of tasks, which are to be accomplished during the first year of the Government in power.

In a week or so, special meetings would be convened for each and every Department so that the Departments could identify the thrust areas and set a target under the one year action plan, he asserted.

Replying to a query about the Special Investigation Teams’ (SITs) report on the mass recruitment drive conducted by the previous Government, the Chief Minister said that after a tho- rough screening, an official order would be issued soon to make the investigation reports available in public domain.

After a Grievance Cell had been opened at the CM’s Secretariat, the number of complaints on corruption charges by Government officials had started coming down when compared with the previous Meeyamgi Numit, the Chief Minister informed.

N Biren said that he felt so sad when he was informed about the suffering faced by the victims whose houses were burned down in a violent incident which occurred at Nungei some time back.

The Government would build new houses for these people within a week, he said while adding that the Government would also provide assistance under the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund and housing schemes under PMAY etc.

He also directed the concerned DC to resolve the issue and rehabilitate the affected people as soon as possible .

Seeking people’s support and cooperation from the people, the Chief Minister said that the Government needs some time to resolve all the issues and problems faced by the people of the State.

He further said that best efforts are being invested by the Government to fulfil people’s hopes and aspirations.

Thus, the Government needs people’s love and support, he added.

IFCD and YAS Minister Letpao Haokip attended to as many as 150 people on ‘Meeyamgi Numit’ (People’s Day) today at his Lamphel’s official residence and his Secretariat office.

The Minister heard the grievances of people including sports persons, student and social activists, relating to diverse issues like welfare of farmers, widows, flood-affected victims, etc.

Letpao Haokip assured to look into the grievances of the people and initiate actions from the Government side.

Source: The Sangai Express


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