CIRCA na Manipur National Day haina 2015 dagi ningsingduna lakli


11 June 1948 amasung 27 July 1948 da Universal Adult Franchise chatnaduna miyamgi leingak semnaba anouba Constitution amagi makhada Manipur National Assembly Election pangthoktuna miyamgi mikhalna semba Manipur Legislative Assembly gi ahanba mipham 18th October 1948 da haodokhiba adubu ningsingsuna CIRCA na Manipur National Day haina 2015 dagi ningsingduna lakli. Chahi asigi oina CIRCA na State Guest House, Sanjenthong, Imphal da pangthokhiba Manipur National Day gi thouram asida “Rights of the Indigenous People on Education, Natural & Environment, Cultural, Sports and Pre-Merger Political Status” haiba hiramda khanna neinakhi.

Ipu Prof. W. Nabakumar na moderator oiduna pangthokkhiba khana-neinabagi thouram asida Dr. K. Sanatomba, MU, Sanasam Sarat, Sr. Advocate, Leihaothabam Saratchandra Sharma, Political analyst, Dr. O. Kulabidhu, former Assistant Registrar, MU, Ningthouja Lancha, Somorendro Thokchom asina chingba resource persons singna hiram asigi matangda wa ngangkhi.

Khana-neinaba thouram asida makhagi Resolution manga (5) asi loukhi.

1. India should recognize the distinct history and distinct political status of Manipur as
a step towards finding a peaceful political solution to the protracted armed conflict
prevalent in Manipur. Restoration of the pre-merger political status to Manipur
under the framework of the Instrument of Accession should be the basis of any such
political solution.

2. The exploration and exploitation of natural resources should cease until the
restoration of the pre-merger political status of Manipur or until a satisfactory
resolution to the prevailing armed conflict in Manipur is achieved. A free, prior and
informed consent of the indigenous people of Manipur as mandated by the UN
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007 should be takenbefore initiating
any development activities.

3. The United Kingdom has the moral responsibility to intervene in finding a negotiated
settlement to the conflict in Manipur since it was partly responsible for the
controversies and confusions surrounding the political status of Manipur in the postempire period. In this respect, Manipur may be accorded a separate membership of
the British Commonwealth in recognition of the fact that it was under the suzerainty
of the British crown thereby allowing Manipur to participate in the 2018
Commonwealth Games as a separate entity.

4. History of pre-merger Manipur should be included in the educational syllabus and
curriculum from the grass-root level up to University level so as to promote
communal harmony among different indigenous communities settling in Manipur.

5. A People’s Council be instituted representing all the indigenous ethnic communities
of Manipur as the Upper House of the State’s Legislature will ensure peaceful coexistence.

CIRCA na hairiba Resolution manga (5) asibu mari leinaba section khudingmaka loinana
haibadi Trade Union, Sports, Culture, Film amadi Manipur gi miyam amadi leikai- khul singga amuk punna khana neinaduna hapthok-hapchin taoduna khana neinakhigani. Masida miyamna saruk yabinabasu noklukna hairaja.

Longjam Ratan
Publicity & Communication,
CIRCA, Manipur

This Press Release was sent by CIRCA MANIPUR, who can be contacted at circa(dot)manipur(at)gmail(dot)com.


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