Unregulated parking multiplies traffic congestion, VIPsm chokes Sect road


Imphal, October 03 2017: Even though the State Government has deputed a separate SP to the Traffic Control Police to deal with the ever worsening traffic congestion in Imphal city, the Government has left the part of parking vehicles to motorists .

With all motorists given the freedom of parking their vehicles at their wisdom and convenience, traffic congestion is only multiplying and choc-a-block is a common sight on many roads including big avenues of the State capital.

The road running in front of the Civil Secretariat which is broad enough for movement of four rows of vehicles simultaneously in each lane is a fine example .

But the road is most of the time occupied by two to three rows of stationary vehicles most of which belong to VIPs and their escorts.

It is indeed a nightmarish experience to cross this section of the road during office hours .

Even though Traffic Police and Civil Police have been discharging their duties regularly, traffic congestion is only multiplying in the absence of any regulatory mechanism regarding parking of vehicles .

The total number of vehicles registered with the State Transport Department till last year was 3,06,039.These include 2,10,990 two-wheelers, 15,885 three-wheelers and 79,164 four-wheelers.

The total figure would have certainly increased considerably now .

Yet, the Government is unable to chart out sufficient parking lots which has resulted in heavy traffic congestion during day time .

NGOs are now using considerable portions of all major roads and streets as parking lots which is one primary factor for the worsening traffic congestion.

As such, there is a growing need to review the practice of allotting parking lots on road sides.

Taking serious note of the occupation of almost two-third of the road running in front of the Civil Secretariat by vehicles of VIPs and security escorts, many people have been asking whether the security forces cannot be asked to go back and come again at the end of the office hours or when they should move out somewhere rather than keeping them in front of their offices throughout the day .

They also pointed out that the State’s law and order situation has improved remarkably while the BJP-led coalition Government promised to abolish VIP culture .

Apart from the Civil Secretariat, there are Manipur Police headquarters and Imphal West District Police headquarters within 100 metres .

As such, many people are of the opinion that security escorts of VIPs need not be present around the congested office premises throughout the day.

If the Government can formulate a policy to do away with the practice of movement of VIPs to and from offices only with security escorts and keeping their security escorts in front of their offices throughout the way, it would go a long way in addressing the problem of traffic congestion, they said .

Instead of adopting ad-hoc measures, the Government need to devise a long term policy which can effectively address the problem of traffic congestion .

Pointing out that movement to Imphal and other districts from one district always entails travelling through Imphal city, some other citizens highlighted the need for construction of a ring road so that people travelling from one district to another can skirt the capital city.

Source: The Sangai Express


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