JAC agrees Sangai Fest opening ceremony at BOAT


Imphal, November 03 2017: The JAC against the shifting of opening ceremony of Sangai Festival 2017 from Keibul Lamjao has agreed to hold the opening ceremony at Bheigyachandra Open Air Theatre (BOAT) on November 21 having learnt the technical difficulties of the State Government to organise the opening ceremony at Keibul Lamjao .

Certain agreements in connection with the festival were arrived at a meeting between the JAC, the Chief Minister, officials of the concerned Departments and local leaders yesterday .

The JAC has also agreed to conduct curtain raising ceremony with a half marathon and ribbon cutting ceremony at Keibul Lamjao during the course of the festival .

The meeting unanimously decided to increase the number of stalls at Keibul Lamjao .

The JAC had demanded the State Government to make wide publication of Sangai Festival through print and electronic media by the Tourism Department to present the different cultural programmes of the localities surrounding the Keibul Lamjao National Park before ten days of the festival .

It also demanded to install a guide map with indication of Keibul Lamjao as a venue of the festival at the main gate of Hapta Kangjeibung, the main venue of the Sangai Festival .

The Government had conveyed to the JAC that its charter of demand is being examined and appropriate action will be taken up.

It requested the JAC to extend cooperation for organising events of Sangai Festival 2017 at Keibul Lamjao area.

Source: The Sangai Express


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