Professor Stephen Hawking says, ‘we need to find a new planet – and soon’


Professor Stephen Hawking has said that the human race needs to develop technologies to find a new planet to live on – or face annihilation.

Professor Hawking spoke at an announcement event for next month’s Starmus festival in Norway – a combination music and science event at which Hawking will speak.

He said, ‘I am aware that there is speculation in the media at the moment about my prediction that we have 100 years to leave Earth.

‘I strongly believe that we will start seeking alternative planets for suitable habitation.

‘We are running out of space on Earth and we need to breakthrough the technological limitations, preventing us from living elsewhere in the universe.

‘I am not alone in this view. Many of my colleagues will comment on this at Starmus next month.’

Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that humanity needs to become a multi-planetary species within the next century in order to avoid extinction.

Hawking made the prediction in a new documentary called Expedition New Earth, which is set to be released this summer as part of the BBC’s Tomorrow’s World science season.

Existential risks include climate change, overpopulation, epidemics and asteroid strikes, according to Hawking.

Efforts to create a human colony on Mars are already underway, with billionaire Elon Musk hoping to establish a settlement within the next few decades through his aerospace firm SpaceX. “I don’t have a doomsday prophecy,” Musk said in 2016, “but history suggests some doomsday event will happen.”

Stephen Hawking sits on stage during an announcement of the Breakthrough Starshot initiative with investor Yuri Milner in New York on April 12, 2016. The physicist warns humanity needs to become a multi-planetary species to ensure its survival. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Hawking predicted last year that the chance of a species-ending event on Earth was a “near certainty” when all possibilities were taken into consideration.

“Although the chance of disaster to planet Earth in a given year may be quite low, it adds up over time, and becomes a near certainty in the next 1,000 or 10,000 years,” Hawking told the Oxford University Union in November.

“By that time, we should have spread out into space and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race.”

Despite the dire warning, Hawking did have some positive news for the assembled students. He pointed to how our fundamental understanding of the universe has advanced in his lifetime and said it is a “glorious time to be alive and doing research into theoretical physics.”

He added: “Our picture of the universe has changed a great deal in the last 50 years and I am happy if I have made a small contribution. The fact that we humans, who are ourselves mere fundamental particles of nature, have been able to come this close to understanding the laws that govern us and the universe is certainly a triumph.”

Source: Yahoo


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