Alternative arrangement demand should not encroached upon Kuki traditional lands says KSO


IMPHAL, October 18: The Kuki Students’ Organisation, (KSO), general head quarter in a statement issued by the information and publicity department, has urged all concerned to refrain from making any hasty decisions in issues concerning the political aspiration of a community no matter how legitimate or genuine the case might be.

It is imperative that the union government and state government should always bear in mind the three major demographical groupings of the state which included Nagas, Kukis and Meiteis. Of the three groups the Nagas and Kukis inhabit the Hills in majority and over-laps one another, it claimed.

It further advised the authority concerned, in an apparent bid to appease one community not to any take hasty decision which will be only counter productive.  

It said the Nagas and Kukis have always been living together in contagious and over-lapping areas in most of the Hill-districts of Manipur. A solution for the political grievances of one should not be at the expense of others.

Coming to the Sadar Hills issue, the KSO has stated, “ The KSO would like to request their Naga brothers not to communalize the Sadar Hills issue”.

Moreover, it claimed that the Kukis have no qualms in the UNC’s demand for “alternative arrangement” for Nagas within the state of Manipur; provided the alternative arrangement does not impinge upon the traditional lands of the Kukis and due respect is accorded to the Kukis’ customs, land rights and traditions.

The statement further claimed that the Kukis have always respected the aspirations of their Naga brethren, and had not made any negative comments/remarks on any movement launched by Naga social organizations. And, request the Nagas not to communalize the Sadar Hills issue.

It opined that the Sadar Hills issue has spanned decades and is limited only to a contagious geographical area and is not an issue between the two communities.

Any attempt to communalize the issue is truly unfortunate and bereft of logics, it maintained.

It asserted the up-gradation of Sadar Hills to a full fledged district is only for administrative convenience which would be beneficial not only for the Kukis but for all communities residing in the area.

It has further warned both the Kukis and Nagas not to forget that their destinies are interlinked by fate or by an act of providence and be on guard, lest they become a mere pawns in the hands of some powerful vested interest. 


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