Lions Club of Imphal Greater – 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012


Lions Club of Imphal Greater
Lions Clubs International, Distt. 322-D

Ref. No. LCIG/2011-12/011


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For Immediate release
Imphal, the 4th March 2012

The Lions Club of Imphal Greater organised the 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012 at Khuman Lampak Sports Complex on 3-4 March 2012. In the said Meet, About 200 destitute children from different homes in the state have participated in the above sports meet.

Lions Club of Imphal Greater - 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012

The children have competed themselves in different areaS such as Atheletics, Kabadi, Tug of War etc. Angel’s Place, Churachanpur was declared as the Team champion of the Sports Meet.

Lions Club of Imphal Greater - 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012

The Sports Meet was supported by diffent organisation and individuals including 28th Assam Riffles and 109 Bn CRPF. In the said project, our Past District Governor, Lion Animesh Baruah, Dist 322-D have joined the said event.

Yours faithfully,
(Lion Thongam Arun)
PRO, LCIG, Dist.322-D


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