KL Indoor Stadium in shabby condition


IMPHAL, June 11: The Khuman Lampak Indoor Stadium is now covered with shaggy grass as if there is none to look after the sports complex.

People feel unpleasant smell as soon as they enter the unhygienic toilet complex inside the stadium because it has been left for months and years without care. The toilet complex is also lush with grass and full of dirty waste materials with no one to clean it.

Five personnel of 2nd IRB headed by a Havildar manning the Khuman Lampak Indoor Stadium expressed the need of additional security personnel because they said that only five security men cannot look after the big stadium.

The concerned authorities often take up cleaning works in the stadium only when there is a tournament and the whole complex will have to remain the same after the tournament, said Chowkidar of the sports complex.

The stadium is now in need of more manpower; the chowkidar said and suggested that it can be freshen if some more sweepers and other keepers are employed.

He also appealed to all the spectators as well as sportspersons to take the stadium as their own property.

A series of representations have been submitted to the higher authorities to take up proper steps to restore the stadium but till today, the authorities have maintained silence on the matter and it is really unfortunate, supervisor of the stadium lamented.

It will be a good move if the concerned authorities renovate the stadium in time to save the most valuable sports complex of the state from further destruction, said some individuals living inside the stadium who did not want to be named.


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