Two militant suspects killed in `encounter`


Manipur,IMPHAL, September 19: After the spate of IED explosions orchestrated by several militant outfits in the state in recent times, security forces continue to gun down militant suspects even today in alleged gun-fights.

Of late, encounter deaths had reared its head after a lull of nearly two years following the 23 July 2009 incident where a pregnant woman and a former militant was killed by police commandos in broad daylight.

After the incident was exposed as a staged encounter by the Tehelka magazine with photographic evidence, a CBI investigation was conducted into the incident.

Police inspecting the two dead bodies on Wednesday.

Just a few days after Imphal East commandos killed a militant suspect on September 16, two militant suspects were again killed in an alleged gunfight between a team of 10th Assam Rifles and suspected UGs at Kangchup Mamang Leikai Abulok canal road, Pipe Bridge under Lamsang Police.

The alleged gun-fight reportedly took place during the wee hours today around 3am.

Even though the alleged gun-fight took place early this morning, AR personnel forbade media persons and locals entry into the encounter site.

Local media teams were allowed entry only after forensic experts arrived and carried their examination of the site.

Police said one AK 47 rifle along with magazine with 23 live rounds and two empty cases of AK 47 ammunition, one .32 pistol, two hand grenades, one IED along with two detonators were recovered from the two slain militant suspects.

Both the slain individuals sustained multiple bullet injuries.

The two dead bodies have been deposited at the RIMS mortuary for further identification.

Meanwhile, locals of Kangchup Mamang Leikai condemned the act of the security forces and deliberated that this is not the first time that an alleged encounter has occurred in the area.

Many others echoed that there have been several such encounters in the area in the past which has affected the peaceful environment of the area.

The frequent occurrence of such incidents creates unwanted fear psychosis among the people of the area, they said.

It may be recalled here that the National Human Rights Commission had recently issued notices to the Director General of Police, Manipur and District Magistrate, Imphal calling for magisterial reports, inquest reports, post-mortem reports along with a report of independent investigation within two months into the allegations of a fake encounter of two suspected militants in Imphal on the 30th July, 2012.


  1. Kudos to the force , I will say”kill them all. Good job to the police commandos who killed this morons. Keep up the good work, Please clean the society from these scum-backs as soon as possible, We want peace, development, freedom not fear, Seen enough what this retarded are doing, extortion and threatening when their demands are not met. Taking percentage on every governmental affairs for the development of the state. Interfering to the administration of the state and controlling every department works with guns in their hands for easy money. this dirty-filthy lazy people are plaguing the society. its time to hunt them down and kill them one by one until the last menace. They should know that bullets are waiting to blows their brains out. They are going to burnt in hell after a miserable death. I don’t have any support, pity and reason to believe this Naharols/thugs are going to bring sovereignty to the Manipuris.


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