The Labour Movement In Manipur


    By Laisom Lalit Singh
    While discussing the problem of labour movement in Manipur, we ought to examine the history of labour movement throughout the Countries of the World. As a result of the Industrial Revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries in the Western Countries, there were sound economy in the industrial sectors in those Countries. Whereas, in our Country, we have political revolution with the thoughts of rights and privileges when our economy is not in a position to meet the demands and expectations of the labourers. May Day is celebrated not only in India, but all over (he World, because everybody feels that labour is the backbone of industrial production in any country.

    But, in the history of labour movement, equally important is the human relationship, i.e. the human touch relationship between the employers and employees. Even hardship can easily be tolerated if there is sense of human touch. The workers must feel that they are respected and their works appreciated. Unfortunately, specially in the private sector, still regard the workers as an exploitable commodity. There arc good labour laws. But, somehow, in the implementation we do not always see that the desired results are obtained. If labour relations are improving and there is less loss of man-day, there will be more production. The fault is not of the labourers always, sometimes the management is to blame, sometimes circumstances arc to blame.

    After the attainment of our political freedom, the objective of our plan-economy is the achievement of economy- freedom. This can be achieved only when the country is industrialised. As such, the labour force also becomes the backbone of the nation. Without economy-freedom, our political freedom is rather meaningless. The serious problem, we are facing in our National economy is `low production and high prices`. We, one and all should try to get ourselves out from this trap only then we shall have a sound economy. This will not be an easy task and our workers should be alive to their responsibilities in facing all adversities in keeping our economy on sound footing. Because of strikes and lock-outs, we are loosing a good number of man-days in our factories, mines and agricultural sectors.

    In a democratic country, the trade Unions are competing among themselves in winning workers over to their organisations. This system will work only when the ground rules and conventions are not violated and indiscipline and violence are avoided.

    We were very much aware that since our machines are becoming more and more sophisticated, labour had to be more skilled. As such, we ought to give mass education to the workers. No doubt, education awakened the ideas of equality and human rights. In a plan-economy, the workers are the very base of any industrial society and unless we can give them a modicum of satisfaction in wages, and good living and working conditions, we cannot expect them to give their best.

    There are many domestic conflicts in our industrial economy. The more we progress, the more we come in conflict with others and pressure on us increases. Efforts are being made to weaken us by fomenting internal troubles. This is happening not only in our country, but in all the developing countries. But in India, the problem is aggravated due to multiplicity of religions, ethnic groups, languages, customs, etc. We should therefore realise the need for unity and concentrate all our efforts on achieving our goal. Any differences there might be, may be resolved through negotiation. Our working class can make a significant contribution in creating such an environment. It is everybody`s interest that peace prevails in the country. But, if there is disquiet, belligerency and regionalism, then progress is retarded. We are proud that our Fathers of the Indian Constitution had given full protection for our labour in the Fundamental Rights of the Constitution.

    Special provision for the protection of Children is under ART.24. which says “ No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any Other hazardous employment”. As such, we should be very much aware of our rights and duties. At any cost, we should develop our work-culture in the interest of more production and rapid-economy development in the country.

    Now, let us discuss few problems of labour in Manipur in brief since there is no serious industrial labour problem in our State. Every body knows that ours is an agro-base economy and only a few industrial units are coming up during the last few years. But,almost all the industrial units failed to produce anything because of management failure, inspite of the best co-operation from the Trade-Union side. As, for instance, the small Spinning Mill in Manipur never comes up because of management failure inspite of huge Working-Capital investment It is also very unfortunate that the Handloom & Handicraft Industry which could even earn foreign exchange easily also fails after having a limited production because of Management failure.

    Last but not the least, 1 would like to mention one serious labour problem faced by the agricultural workers in our State. Because of their best work-culture, our agricultural workers produce huge quantities of vegetables during each and every season whereas the poor workers have no market for their products. I feel that if our Govt. could help our agriculturist in getting the market of their products then it will be very meaningful in mobilising our resources.


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