Speaker rejects Ibohanbi`s Censure motion against Md Abdul Nasir


IMPHAL, December 20: A Censure Motion against Agriculture Minister Md Abdul Nasir introduced by Opposition leader Dr I Ibohalbi was dropped off by the House today after the Speaker rejected it.

Speaking to media persons after the Assembly session today, the Opposition leader said, the motion was submitted on December 19 with a good intention.

He said the actions of Minister of the state who was also the chief guest of the day of the Sangai Festival which is also participated and attended by several persons from the outside was shameful. The incident was also covered by the national media.

Thinking that the outside world will think of the state MLAs and Ministers as a boisterous and unruly lot, he had introduced the motion, the Opposition leader said.

The government must have its reasons for not desiring to place the motion for discussion, but he will seek it out, he continued.

When asked if the Speaker of the House has the authority to reject the motion, Dr I Ibohalbi said that under Rule No 130 of the Assembly, the Speaker has the authority.

He however regretted that the Speaker has rejected the motion which was introduced in the .interest of the House and the public.


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